The Door Where Evil Dwells


White Bird Must Fly;- or She Will Die.

”The Door Where Evil Dwells” .is still somewhat ajar . Thus we have a group of Human Beings who have dedicated themselves to the black arts , and are themselves initiates of unbelievable advanced ,- or ,- ”Spiritual wickedness in High Places’. They are at this time working through the Zionists , a group in the United States , and a further group in the Orient – Middle East . Humanity , and its ways must break down the wall of separatism , learn to ”climb out of the box” so too say …., to undergo transformation , initiation , a heighten sense of Self – Awareness ,Group Conscious , and right human relations .

A Changing World ,- By- Mike j Hughes

3279f0c582d1d91eb3a1e442a02e083c_500So many people thought 2012 is the beginning of the end of all humanity on earth , – that an extinction event is upon the horizon for the human family.
We are witnessing a profound transformation of civilization , and we have many serious decisions that must be made to insure our survival as a race .

We will be tested as to where our true values lie, and will have a chance to right the many mistakes and the agony of mind that millions are now going through at this time.
NO My friends ;this is not in any way the end of the world -,but rather a painful expansion of our consciousness to the heights of true spiritual awareness unlike never seen before .
Billions are going through a sort of psychic growing pains that will ,- in time , bring humanity together to work towards a common ground that will reveal to us all of our oneness with all .
The great occult truth that the universe began with a BIG BANG is very real indeed,;- As Above,- So Below….
As the universe expands ,then so doe`s our consciousness through millions of years. The slow upward climb is full of pitfalls and cruel thorns;- a great struggle by which we climb the mountain top of evolutionary achievement to shine forth as a true Sons of God .
2012 is the beginning stages of mans transformation in all areas of human endeavour ;- in politics, religion, science, economy, art, spirituality, ecology, psychology,and so on.
Many are there today who have no understanding of the transformation we ,as a race , are about to go through between 2012 and 2035 .
There are many however who are aware of the fact that human civilization is treading upon dangerous times,- and the only way we can bring ,and usher in an age of a heightened awareness is for all to come to an awareness of our oneness with each other and the establishing of right human relations, -and the sharing the resources of the world.
There are many humanitarian groups who know of the awful reality that there are millions all over the globe that are starving to death in a world of plenty for want of food that sits and rots within the great store-houses of the developed world.

The nations of the world, each have a contribution to share, in creating a beautiful ”Global Community” based on sharing, trust, justice,brotherhood, and a time for humanity to reinvent itself along sane lines of development that will be lasting ,meaningful, and to learn higher and much noble values.
It is not difficult for us to see that the humanity of this planet is now on the edge of a global revolution. The whole Middle East is going through its own crisis ,and so many dictators are being ousted from power as a result of very powerful changes in the ever-expanding awareness and the growth of the human spirit seeking freedom and Democracy.
A great transformation is taking place everywhere , We can all see and feel the need for change within all departments of human endeavour .
In order to evolve further along the path of right human relationships, then we must learn to look within ourselves , find the inner peace by a gradual developing contact with ones own soul. Through the science of meditation. When great numbers of the race begin to establish a measure of soul contact.- then we will see very big changes in the hearts and minds of men and woman everywhere.

A Spiritual Crisis By- Mike j Hughes ‎14/‎08/‎2013


A Spiritual Crisis by Mike j Hughes ‎14/‎08/‎2013

Anyone who is in the slightest way enlightened, will see for themselves that humanity is undergoing a long prossess of gradual unfolding that will span over countless eons of endeavour ,to wrestle His way out and into a greater measure of Light.
Just look around and you will begin ,by using inner sight , discover for yourselves that Humanity is in a state of perpetual evolution, achieving one goal after a another. The greater bulk of humanity today have no idea as to why we are born, or what happens when you die, what is our individual destiny, and of course , why we exists at all. Humanity is now passing through one of the greatest events in human history. Something very big is underway at this time of which we , as a whole , have but little or no understanding of at this point of our spiritual evolution. The greater bulk of humanity today have no idea as to the ”Great Plan” that pushes human evolution forward. . Now when you have a man-bearing planet with its 6-7 billion units not knowing who they are , where they are headed, or what happens when they discard their physical bodies , and as to why they are born at all ,- if that’s not a major spiritual crisis,- then I do not know what is.!!!


Special announcement Benjamin Creme Passing Away. From,- Share International

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Share International regrets to announce that Benjamin Creme, British artist, author and lecturer has died. He passed away peacefully on 24 October 2016 at his home in London, with his family around him.

Through his work as the Chief Editor of Share International magazine, as author of many books, and as international speaker, Benjamin Creme was an inspiration throughout the world in presenting information about the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom. Working from a background of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings given to the world by Helena Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, and the Alice Bailey esoteric teachings, he expanded and brought up to date this ancient knowledge.

Working under the tutelage of one of the Masters of Wisdom, Benjamin Creme dedicated the last 40 years of his life to his work for the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher, and in doing so inspired hundreds of thousands of people across the world. He began his public work in 1975 and lectured worldwide from 1979 onwards, only finally stopping at the age of 90.

In 1974 he introduced Transmission Meditation – a new group meditation, which is both a means of personal development and a form of service to the world.

Benjamin Creme had been unwell for a long time but had kept going in his usual courageous, determined and humorous way. His was an extraordinary life dedicated to service. He brought hope to the millions who have heard and been touched by the news of the imminent emergence of the World Teacher, and the consequent transformation of the world by the creation of justice and peace, through sharing.

His work of preparing the way for Maitreya will be carried forward by the many groups around the world which have dedicated themselves to this task.


Lack of Concentration. By-Mike j Hughes


We are One.Whoever is polluting this fantastic deep meditation  ,–  only to suddenly  –  have a ruined meditation thanks to  the stupidity  the  those  who are nothing but the product  of today’s commercialization  , and are –  walking in the dark and do not in any way , shape , or form ,  understand these lofty Teachings. 

       They are mental midgets , and not very highly advanced units of this Humanity.      However  it is no wonder to me why we have so many children diagnosed                with       A.D .D, and a lack of concentration ,- Kids like their cartoons that are bombarded into their little fragile minds. Now this is what I mean when I am writing about those unawakened egos, and  the Commercialization and human filth that is preventing people to ”see”, and understand the inner ”Voice of the Silence”.  Hence  the illusions and sufferings we create     for ourselves.  

A Drug From Hell. By- Mike j Hughes

I am regretting  the grim reality for getting all screwed up on benzodiazepines. I am having one hell of a time getting off of these damned things  . Anyone who may be taking them ,…I am warning all who may be on these tranqs to not take them for any time over 30 days. Take it from me , – the withdraw from these ”things” is even more terrible  than withdrawing from opiates of any kind , and can take years to get over the aftermath .

Withdrawing is hell , – you sweat , you have high heartbeat  with anxiety that burns a hole in your solar plexus, you get moody to the point where you are forced to do more just to get a little relief . It is a very violent and vicious cycle. Don’t ever quit these fucking things through ”cold turkey” if you have been on them for a long period of time because you can die from seizures or cardiac-arrest . You must taper off very slowly and safely       

Your Taxes are Going Into places You Know Not By;- Mike j Hughes



Every single human being has a number of virtuous spiritual gifts to share , and to thus share and do your part in the transformation of our world . Every man woman and child must take part in this transformation. We can’t just sit back and think that the Masters and the space brothers have got everything under control while all life begins to  metastasize , and bring the earth to the point  of utter destruction.

However many are marching , the people are tired , the people are angry at the fact that we already have the means to create a world community without oil, coal , and all that other shit their doing behind our backs and not telling us nothing , when WE pay them to do all these things they will never tell.



Ecology and Spirituality By – Mike j Hughes .


I have loved this song  for so long

The World Teacher
Many are preparing for the World Teacher.

Whenever I play , or sing this  song , I feel the energy  in my body being ”caressed” in my Heart Chakras  ,  …not in my emotions , [ which in occultism  is the astral  plains ].

Basically , My Brothers and Sisters We , all together , in unison , can reach  for  the stars , and anchor our highest  dreams , and  most pure aspirations within spheres  of our  goodness    and nobility of nature  .

It is disgusting that we are still burning coal , and gasoline  , showing no gratitude or respect for Mother Nature   providing  our food , clean air  and the ability to thrive.  , – This is very revealing information  as to the  cheep values  and lowest in   intelligence    of   people Running the – syndicate –  { Government-ment }   { mind }, and how far they  will go to hold on to the  wealth, like very small selfish creatures ,, to keep the shame untold !!

Humanity  has strayed so far off  into  the Astral  – Hell’s  and have lost their ways .    As long as animal  Passion and desires dominates  Humanity  ,  then  ALL will  continue to suffer ,- Life after life after life  on the Wheel of  Suffering  of which the Buddha’ speak s ..  Age after ages we all come into incarnation  in groups , and family groups in which All souls are working on human relations . working out karma , lives spent  suffering Retribution , – age after age ….   life after life ad infinitum .

I have gained so many insights , and have made major discoveries  in to occult study of all kinds. Soul contact will bring its moments of solace and understanding. As one come into a deeper alignment with the soul  through meditation and service , – the more responsibility he becomes capable of  in  being a Teacher of sorts who can guide  the aspirants onto more sane ways of living a happy , constructive and Altruistic lives.

Let us all take a stand  against the use of fossil  fuels , as well as those big dirty , dangerous  and clumsy   nuclear reactors  that are the  ”Monuments ‘ to  human stupidity”. – Humanity must change ,…..or die


Maitreya as he appeared out of thin air in Nairobi in 1988. Many claimed He was the Christ. Hundreds claimed to be the Christ.. A 4 Day wonder around the world.                      Here are some links  if you care to  study this in depth.

Discovering More About Ourselves .

Mike j Hughes-





It seems to me that so many millions are searching for an identity for themselves,and many are lost and confused as to how to create an inner equilibrium during the present spiritual dark age of which we now find ourselves .
It seems as if people are ready to identify themselves with just about anything except their own hidden higher self [ or soul ] .
Humanity is going through an identity crisis through which much harm and agony of mind is making our lives very sad , confused, and with so much suffering being the result.
Millions are coming to the discovery and realization of themselves as incarnating souls. Many are learning to identify with that still small voice coming from that inner Light we all share together.
This inner Light of the soul is growing brighter with each day as we learn to cast aside all false values , worthless goals, and desires that have wrought so much suffering into our lives.
As I have discovered, through much confusion, pain, and unlearning ,I came to a realization that the goal in life is Self Realization and to transcend the world of false values,- such as identifying myself with my body , emotions, the world of illusions and the constant chattering of the mind.
Through years of meditation and the art of contemplation I have discovered a whole new world within myself- as with my fellow man ,-that our true higher Self is a very powerful, and living reality indeed. I am gaining the skills to transcends all that has caused so much pain and hell in my life.
The method to finding inner joy and happiness is to identify ourselves with that which can not be taken from ourselves,;- the Light of the Soul.
Now , after decades of soul searching , study of meditation ,theosophy, and the Ageless Wisdom Teachings ,I have learned to be objective and not to identify myself with my emotional body , physical body, nor with my lot in life.
Now when I am in pain, instead I say “my body is in pain“,-if I am suffering from some agony of mind, instead I say that “it is my mind that is in pain.“
All in All we are so much more than what we may think or feel at any given time,and there is that secret place deep within us all that transcends all human limitations as to how we see ourselves. The truth is within you my dear friends ,and is in a constant state of “becoming“as we learn to understand and peel layer after layer in our journey of Self -discovery.
Veil after veil shall fall
Yet Veil after Veil Remains.
-The Buddha.-