Nairobi Maitreya Event.



Maitreya as he appeared out of thin air in Nairobi in 1988. Many claimed He was the Christ. Hundreds claimed to be the Christ.. A 4 Day wonder around the world.  B.C Book- The Ageless Wisdom Teachings. – Service work – The List of Initiates – Mantram of the New Group of world servers.


The World Teacher. By- Share International.


Special announcement

Share International regrets to announce that Benjamin Creme, British artist, author and lecturer has died. He passed away peacefully on 24 October 2016 at his home in London, with his family around him.

Through his work as the Chief Editor of Share International magazine, as author of many books, and as international speaker, Benjamin Creme was an inspiration throughout the world in presenting information about the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom. Working from a background of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings given to the world by Helena Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, and the Alice Bailey esoteric teachings, he expanded and brought up to date this ancient knowledge.

Working under the tutelage of one of the Masters of Wisdom, Benjamin Creme dedicated the last 40 years of his life to his work for the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher, and in doing so inspired hundreds of thousands of people across the world. He began his public work in 1975 and lectured worldwide from 1979 onwards, only finally stopping at the age of 90.

In 1974 he introduced Transmission Meditation – a new group meditation, which is both a means of personal development and a form of service to the world.

Benjamin Creme had been unwell for a long time but had kept going in his usual courageous, determined and humorous way. His was an extraordinary life dedicated to service. He brought hope to the millions who have heard and been touched by the news of the imminent emergence of the World Teacher, and the consequent transformation of the world by the creation of justice and peace, through sharing.

His work of preparing the way for Maitreya will be carried forward by the many groups around the world which have dedicated themselves to this task.

Many now expect the return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, the Messiah, the fifth Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the one who fulfils all these expectations, Maitreya, the World Teacher, is already living among us and is gradually emerging into full public recognition.

Maitreya is the Teacher for all humanity – those of all spiritual traditions, and those who follow no particular faith. He does not come as a religious leader, but as an educator in the broadest sense.

Maitreya has not come alone, but with a group of wise men, the Masters of Wisdom, who have long worked from behind the scenes as the inspirers, teachers and guides of humanity. They are returning to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems.


Maitreya and the Masters will show us that the only way to bring about peace is to create justice; and the only way to establish justice is to share the resources of the world, equitably, among all humanity according to need. Maitreya has formulated a number of simple priorities that demand immediate and worldwide attention. These cover the essential needs of every man, woman and child: an adequate supply of food; housing for all; access to health care and education as universal rights. Another top priority is the restoration of the environment.

Maitreya will inspire us to create a new civilization based on sharing and justice, freedom and peace, so that all may have the basic necessities of life in a world free from want and war. He and the Masters are here to show us the way forward, but they can only guide – we ourselves have to act to save our world.


Maitreya has been based in the Asian community of London since July 1977, gradually emerging into full public view. Artist, author and lecturer Benjamin Creme has for 40 years been preparing the way for this extraordinary event. In December 2008 Mr Creme announced that in the very near future a large, bright star would appear in the sky visible throughout the world, night and day, heralding the imminent appearance of Maitreya in His first interview on a major US television network. Within weeks, reports from all over the world of an unusually bright star, often moving and changing colour, began to appear in the media and on the internet. See reports


On 14 January 2010 Benjamin Creme announced that Maitreya had given His first interview, on American television, and that millions had heard Him speak both on television and the internet. Mr Creme explained: “He was introduced not as Maitreya, the World Teacher and Head of our Spiritual Hierarchy, but simply as a man, one of us. In this way He ‘ensures that men follow and support Him for the truth and sanity of His ideas rather than for His status’. He spoke earnestly of the need for peace, achievable only through the creation of justice and the sharing of the world’s resources.” See announcement

Maitreya has since given a series of interviews in the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, China, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and India, and more are expected to take place around the world.

Maitreya’s open mission has begun. As He Himself has said: “Soon, now very soon, you will see my face and hear my words.”



“When men see Me for the first time and know Me for what I am, they will find themselves changing inwardly.
Many will for a time return to the joy of childhood and find the world a better home thereby.
Many will feel strengthened in their desire to serve and to place themselves in the forefront of change.
These are the ones on whom I shall call for the task of replenishment of man’s spirit and joy.
Believe if you can that I am with you, ready to use My strength on your behalf.
Believe if you can, My friends, that I am eagerly awaiting the day of My open return.”

cropped-402108_259446577505866_305436063_n.jpgMessage from Maitreya

Benjamin Creme received the following message from Maitreya on 31 March 2016, by a process of mental telepathy.

These days are difficult for many. Even the best and the closest feel the pains of doubt and reservation.

But when I say that I engage with you as one of you before the world, it is the truth.

Likewise when I say that the time is close indeed when all men will recognize My face and respond, it is the truth.

Only the Law bids Me wait a very little time, but within the Law I am verily with you daily, in constant rapport with your needs and the opportunities presented to Myself by you.

Soon humanity as a whole will awaken to My presence and will accept with all willingness the transformation of this, our world.

Remember that we are at the beginning and the end of a civilization, an epic period in the history of the world, and understand thereby that men feel the pain of change.

For some it is a release into freedom. For others it is a loss of surety and calm.

But, My brothers, pain will be short-lived, and already many know this to be so. There is aid in abundance to help you through these difficult times. Accept eagerly this Age and recognize the signs of the new.

Verily, verily, I am with you. Verily, I am among you in many ways.

Judge for yourselves, My brothers, how close you are to My expectations of a new world. This will be a world in which all men are one, in which all men fulfil the joy of creation, and fulfil with love their capacity to show the way to their brothers in simplicity and truth.

This page contains a variety of audio recordings including Messages by Maitreya, lectures and talks by Benjamin Creme, and public radio interviews. These recordings contain energetic blessings by Maitreya and can be experienced by the listener during playback. B.C Book- The Ageless Wisdom Teachings. – Service work – Mantram of the New Group of world servers. thrivemovment A deep study into the nature of the astral planes , -lower and higher.

Mike j Hughes  – 604-738-5858   –

The Reappearance of the Christ





There have been many such messengers over the ages, manifesting through one or another of the great world religions or followed by a new form of religion based on the new revelation. Divine revelation and the periodic appearance of messengers, or Avatars, occur, however, according to cosmic law, when certain conditions exist within the whole scheme affected by, and affecting, every part, large and small. Then a chain of events is set in motion which under law must eventually work out.

The imminence of the reappearance of the Christ is sensed and expected by many, belonging as He does to all humanity irrespective of differing religious dogma and doctrine. “He for whom all men wait” will Himself determine the manner and the timing of His appearance and the area of his work in a way which creates no divisions or separations between men, either religious, social or ideological. Not only does He come as the first Son of God, but as Head of the spiritual Hierarchy, the inner government of the planet. He is, therefore, a great world executive, representing the Kingdom of God, and fulfilling a definite function in the world of men. He is coming to establish through precept and example in world service the principles on which a united, interdependent and interactive world may create its new material systems and spiritual institutions for the new civilisation.

Preparation for the second coming is the responsibility of humanity; it is for those who know and accept the imminent return of the Christ to prepare men’s minds and hearts to recognize and receive Him, and to create those conditions of balance and spiritual alignment which will ultimately draw Him forth into our midst. For no matter what message or revelation the Christ may embody when He comes, no matter what principle or energy He may anchor on Earth for human use, He is not coming to save humanity from the results of its own sins, but once more to show humanity how to save itself in the new conditions and new opportunities with which the world is faced.            Lucis Trust , 197136_199912063362477_121612214525796_620587_4970448_n1


Cremation , ….soon to be Global Policy.


Cremation , ….soon to be Global Policy.
By;- Mike j Hughes

We have been taught that burial of our dead is a sacred religious duty , so deeply embedded within our customary way of life , so habitually automatic, that even the intelligent people worldwide are overlooking serious issues regarding the health of the planet as a Divine Being in which we all live , move , and have our being.
Oriental traditions however see that the dead are cremated , as the element of fire is purifying and very hygienic.
A great portion of humanity however do not accept this form of disposal of the broken , old , and diseased dead shell ,- that their religious laws forbid it adamantly , that any other way of disposal would be a sort of reverting back to ”heathenism ” , and a sort of blasphemy .
In time , perhaps a few hundred years or so , the race of men will make deeper and established soul contact as the major goal , when education , common sense, and reason are guiding our way , then we are going to get results that will amaze science and medicine in so many ways.
Deadly pandemics have taken a terrible and cruel toll on humanity age after age . Deadly pathogens suddenly crop up , and in their wake kill millions all over the world ,…then , all of a sudden , they are gone,……seeping back into the ground??.
There are many common sense reasons why the dead must be disposed of by cremation fire , and soon will be accepted as the norm throughout the entire world when the minds of humanity are being somewhat illumined by the light of the soul.
This global cremation policy , when implemented will rapidly reduce many deadly pathogens that have plagued humanity for countless thousands of years.
When diseased bodies are buried in the soil of the ground for untold eons that stretch back to the time of man’s infancy , it is bound to catch up to us some day .
If the policy of mandatory cremation becomes implemented , then the ecology and health of every living creature will vastly improve , and thus even within a few centuries we can begin seeing strong beautiful human beings of great physical purity that will allow very advanced souls to come into incarnation who have been waiting so long to incarnate and work out their purpose by serving ”The Plan” with their amazing gifts acquired through thousands of incarnations in cycles long past.
Sexual diseases have their origin dating far back during the mid Lemurian times when certain groups and advanced units of humanity became polarized in their physical bodies , and aroused the inner fires below the Divine Triad into the sacral centre and resulted in a great over stimulation of their sexuality to the point of obsession that became to great, and so openly depraved as to involve bestiality , and sexual magic that reached a point of unbelievable horror. This had a terrible effect that resulted with the appearance of abominations of all sorts ,- monsters , mistakes , creatures not fit to live and breath,- because nature had never planed for such things to wander the earth, and were eventually destroyed in order to bring things under control that the ”Divine Plan” may again resume its natural course once again.
Now ,- after many millions of years , Humanity is still presently working out much evil karma committed during those dark eons of long ago.
Students of the occult and the Ageless Wisdom Teachings are aware of traces and flaws that resulted in this great struggle. Humanity indeed has a longer history than many realize, – stretching back some 18 – 21 million years .